The Andrakis Trilogy
The Andrakis Trilogy was originally published in 1992-3 by Pan Macmillan Australia, as Guardians, Kingmaker, Dragon Lords, then re-released in 2006 as a Print-on-Demand book set by Altair Australia. The most recent versions are ePubs available through Amazon Kindle as of March 2015, including an omnibus containing all three books in one. Click on the cover images to go to the store. At $3 per book, or $6 for the one book collection, it's pretty cheap! Print versions of the three books are also available through Amazon as of April 2015. The core story follows the fortunes of two characters - A Ahmud Ki, the half-blood Aelendyell orphan who wants to acquire as much power as he can by learning the secrets of the five Kis of magic - Andra, a young guardian warrior who carries a prophetic scar as an inheritor of the kingdom. Brought together by their struggles against a common enemy - Mareg Sutnavanistra, the last dragonlord - their destinies become intertwined as the power struggle for control of all life is played out across several nations. The novels contain many of the traditional fantasy tropes - dragons, magical swords and artefacts, different magical races, elf-like Aelendyell, dwarf-like Dwarven and orc-like Haagii - and the ethical/moral codes of courage against adversity, loyalty and betrayal, and heroic sacrifice. The original paperbacks went out of print before the end of the 1990s. POD versions were available as a three book set from Altair Australia from 2006-2010. E-Pub and paperback versions are currently available from Amazon. The cover artwork for the original series was created by Mike Worrall. The artwork for the Altair POD re-release covers was by Kirsi Salonen. |